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Class outline:

  • Recursive functions
  • Recursion in environment diagrams
  • Mutual recursion
  • Recursion vs. iteration

Recursive functions

A function is recursive if the body of that function calls itself, either directly or indirectly.

Recursive functions often operate on increasingly smaller instances of a problem.

Wood engraving of repeated fish drawings getting smaller
Circle Limit, by M.C. Escher

Summing digits

2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7

Fun fact: The sum of the digits in a multiple of 9 is also divisible by 9.

9 * 82 = 738

7 + 3 + 8 = 18

The problems within the problem

The sum of the digits of 6 is simply 6.
Generally: the sum of any one-digit non-negative number is that number.

The sum of the digits of 2023 is:

2 0 2 3 Sum of these digits + This digit

Generally: the sum of a number is the sum of the first digits (number // 10), plus the last digit (number % 10).

Summing digits without a loop

                    def sum_digits(n):
                        """Return the sum of the digits of positive integer n.
                        >>> sum_digits(6)
                        >>> sum_digits(2023)
                        if n < 10:
                            return n
                            all_but_last = n // 10
                            last = n % 10
                            return sum_digits(all_but_last) + last

Anatomy of a recursive function

  • Base case: Evaluated without a recursive call (the smallest subproblem).
  • Recursive case: Evaluated with a recursive call (breaking down the problem further)
  • Conditional statement to decide if it's a base case

                    def sum_digits(n):
                        if n < 10: # BASE CASE
                            return n
                        else:         # RECURSIVE CASE
                            all_but_last = n // 10
                            last = n % 10
                            return sum_digits(all_but_last) + last

Visualizing recursion

Recursive factorial

The factorial of a number is defined as:

$$\begin{equation*} n! = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } n = 0 \\ n \cdot (n-1)! & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} \end{equation*}$$

                    def fact(n):
                        >>> fact(0)
                        >>> fact(4)
                        if n == 0:
                            return 1
                            return n * fact(n-1)

Recursive call visualization

                            def fact(n):
                                if n == 0:
                                    return 1
                                    return n * fact(n-1)

fact(3) fact(2) fact(1) fact(0) 1 1 2 6

Recursion in environment diagrams

                            def fact(n):
                                if n == 0:
                                    return 1
                                    return n * fact(n-1)

  • The same function fact is called multiple times
  • Different frames keep track of the different arguments in each call
  • n depends on the current environment
  • Each call to fact solves a simpler problem than the last: smaller n
Global frame
fact → func fact[parent=Global]
f1: fact[parent=Global]
n 3
Return value 6
f2: fact[parent=Global]
n 2
Return value 2
f3: fact[parent=Global]
n 1
Return value 1
f4: fact[parent=Global]
n 0
Return value 1

Verifying recursive functions

Falling dominoes

If a million dominoes are equally spaced out and we tip the first one, will they all fall?

  1. Verify that one domino will fall, if tipped
  2. Assume that any given domino falling over will tip the next one over
  3. Verify that tipping the first domino tips over the next one

The recursive leap of faith

                        def fact(n):
                            """Returns the factorial of N."""
                            if n == 0:
                                return 1
                                return n * fact(n-1)

Is fact implemented correctly?

  1. Verify the base case
  2. Treat fact as a functional abstraction!
  3. Assume that fact(n-1) is correct (← the leap!)
  4. Verify that fact(n) is correct

The recursive elf's promise

Imagine we're trying to compute 5!

🤔 We ask ourselves, "If I somehow knew how to compute 4!, could I compute 5!?"

💡 Yep, 5! = 5 * 4!

🧝🏽‍♀️ The fact() function promises, "hey friend, tell you what, while you're working hard on 5!, I'll compute 4! for you, and you can finish it off!"

Credit: FuschiaKnight, r/compsci

Mutual recursion

The Luhn algorithm

Used to verify that a credit card number is valid.

  1. From the rightmost digit, which is the check digit, moving left, double the value of every second digit; if the product of this doubling operation is greater than 9 (e.g., 7 * 2 = 14), then sum the digits of that product (e.g., 14: 1 + 4 = 5)
  2. Take the sum of all the digits
Original 1 3 8 7 4 3
Processed 2 3 1+6=7 7 8 3 = 30

The Luhn sum of a valid credit card number is a multiple of 10

Calculating the Luhn sum

Let's start with...

                        def sum_digits(n):
                            if n < 10:
                                return n
                                last = n % 10
                                all_but_last = n // 10
                                return last + sum_digits(all_but_last)
                        def luhn_sum(n):
                            """Returns the Luhn sum for the positive number N.
                            >>> luhn_sum(2)
                            >>> luhn_sum(32)
                            >>> luhn_sum(5105105105105100)

Luhn sum with mutual recursion

                        def luhn_sum(n):
                            if n < 10:
                                return n
                                last = n % 10
                                all_but_last = n // 10
                                return last + luhn_sum_double(all_but_last)
                        def luhn_sum_double(n):
                            last = n % 10
                            all_but_last = n // 10
                            luhn_digit = sum_digits(last * 2)
                            if n < 10:
                                return luhn_digit
                                return luhn_digit + luhn_sum(all_but_last)

Recursion and Iteration

Recursion vs. iteration

Using recursion: Using iteration:

                                    def fact(n):
                                      if n == 0:
                                        return 1
                                        return n * fact(n-1)

                                    def fact(n):
                                      total = 1
                                      while n > 0:
                                        total *= n
                                        n -= 1
                                      return total
Math: $$\small\begin{equation*} n! = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } n = 0 \\ n \cdot (n-1)! & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} \end{equation*}$$ $$n! = \prod_{k = 1}^{n} k$$
Names: fact, n fact, n, total, k

Converting recursion to iteration

Can be tricky: Iteration is a special case of recursion.

Figure out what state must be maintained by the iterative function.

                        def sum_digits(n):
                            if n < 10:
                                return n
                                all_but_last = n // 10
                                last = n % 10
                            return sum_digits(all_but_last) + last

                        def sum_digits(n):
                            digit_sum = 0
                            while n > 0:
                                last = n % 10
                                n = n // 10
                                digit_sum += last
                            return digit_sum

Converting iteration to recursion

More formulaic: Iteration is a special case of recursion.

The state of an iteration can be passed as arguments.

                        def sum_digits(n):
                            digit_sum = 0
                            while n > 0:
                                last = n % 10
                                n = n // 10
                                digit_sum += last
                            return digit_sum

                        def sum_digits(n, digit_sum):
                            if n == 0:
                                return digit_sum
                                last = n % 10
                                all_but_last = n // 10
                                return sum_digits(all_but_last, digit_sum + last)