Data Abstraction

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  • Press the copy icon on the upper right of code blocks to copy the code

Class outline:

  • Data abstraction
  • Dictionaries

Data abstraction

Data abstractions

Many values in programs are compound values, a value composed of other values.

  • A date: a year, a month, and a day
  • A geographic position: latitude and longitude

A data abstraction lets us manipulate compound values as units, without needing to worry about the way the values are stored.

A pair abstraction

If we needed to frequently manipulate "pairs" of values in our program, we could use a pair data abstraction.

pair(a, b) constructs a new pair from the two arguments.
first(pair) returns the first value in the given pair.
second(pair) returns the second value in the given pair.

                    couple = pair("Deborah", "David")
                    deborah = first(couple)    # 'Deborah'
                    david = second(couple)     # 'David'

A pair implementation

Only the developers of the pair abstraction needs to know/decide how to implement it.

                    def pair(a, b):
                        return [a, b]

                    def first(pair):
                        return pair[0]
                    def second(pair):
                        return pair[1]

๐Ÿค” How else could it be implemented?

Rational abstraction

Rational numbers

If we needed to represent fractions exactly...


We could use this data abstraction:

Constructor rational(n,d) constructs a new rational number.
Selectors numer(rat) returns the numerator of the given rational number.
denom(rat) returns the denominator of the given rational number.

                    quarter = rational(1, 4)
                    top = numer(quarter)  # 1
                    bot = denom(quarter)  # 4

Rational number arithmetic

Example General form
$$\frac{3}{2} \times \frac{3}{5} = \frac{9}{10}$$ $$\frac{n_x}{d_x} \times \frac{n_y}{d_y} = \frac{n_x \times n_y}{d_x \times d_y}$$
$$\frac{3}{2} + \frac{3}{5} = \frac{21}{10}$$ $$\frac{n_x}{d_x} + \frac{n_y}{d_y} = \frac{n_x \times d_y + n_y \times d_x}{d_x \times d_y}$$

Rational number arithmetic code

We can implement arithmetic using the data abstractions:

Implementation General form

                                    def mul_rational(x, y):
                                        return rational(
                                            numer(x) * numer(y),
                                            denom(x) * denom(y))
$$\small\frac{n_x}{d_x} \times \frac{n_y}{d_y} = \frac{n_x \times n_y}{d_x \times d_y}$$

                                        def add_rational(x, y):
                                            (nx, dx) = numer(x), denom(x)
                                            (ny, dy) = numer(y), denom(y)
                                            return rational(nx * dy + ny * dx, dx * dy)
$$\small\frac{n_x}{d_x} + \frac{n_y}{d_y} = \frac{n_x \times d_y + n_y \times d_x}{d_x \times d_y}$$

                    mul_rational( rational(3, 2), rational(3, 5))
                    add_rational( rational(3, 2), rational(3, 5))

Rational numbers utilities

A few more helpful functions:

                    def print_rational(x):
                        print(numer(x), '/', denom(x))

                    def rationals_are_equal(x, y):
                        return numer(x) * denom(y) == numer(y) * denom(x)

                    print_rational( rational(3, 2) )   # 3/2
                    rationals_are_equal( rational(3, 2), rational(3, 2) ) # True

Rational numbers implementation

                    def rational(n, d):
                        """Construct a rational number that represents N/D."""
                        return [n, d]
                   def numer(x):
                        """Return the numerator of rational number X."""
                        return x[0]

                   def denom(x):
                        """Return the denominator of rational number X."""
                        return x[1]

Reducing to lowest terms

What's the current problem with...

                    add_rational( rational(3, 4), rational(2, 16) )  # 56/64
                    add_rational( rational(3, 4), rational(4, 16) )  # 64/64
$$\small\frac{3}{2} \times \frac{5}{3} = \frac{15}{6}$$ Multiplication results in a non-reduced fraction...
$$\frac{15 \div 3}{6 \div 3} = \frac{5}{2}$$ we always divide top and bottom by GCD!

                    from math import gcd

                    def rational(n, d):
                        """Construct a rational that represents n/d in lowest terms."""
                        g = gcd(n, d)
                        return [n//g, d//g]

Using rationals

User programs can use the rational data abstraction for their own specific needs.

                    def exact_harmonic_number(n):
                        """Return 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/N as a rational number."""
                        s = rational(0, 1)
                        for k in range(1, n + 1):
                            s = add_rat(s, rational(1, k))
                        return s

Abstraction barriers

Layers of abstraction

Primitive Representation [..,..] [0] [1]
Data abstraction make_rat() numer() denom()
add_rat() mul_rat() print_rat() equal_rat()
User program exact_harmonic_number()

Each layer only uses the layer above it.

Violating abstraction barriers

What's wrong with...

                    add_rational( [1, 2], [1, 4] )
                    # Doesn't use constructors!

                    def divide_rational(x, y):
                        return [ x[0] * y[1], x[1] * y[0] ]
                        # Doesn't use selectors!

Other rational implementations

The rational() data abstraction could use an entirely different underlying representation.

                    def rational(n, d):
                        def select(name):
                            if name == 'n':
                                return n
                            elif name == 'd':
                                return d
                        return select
                    def numer(x):
                        return x('n')

                    def denom(x):
                        return x('d')

Data types

Review: Python types

Type Examples
Integers 0 -1 0xFF 0b1101
Booleans True False
Functions def f(x)... lambda x: ...
Strings "pear""I say, \"hello!\""
Ranges range(11) range(1, 6)
Lists [] ["apples", "bananas"]
[x**3 for x in range(2)]



A dict is a mutable mapping of key-value pairs

					states = {
						"CA": "California",
						"DE": "Delaware",
						"NY": "New York",
						"TX": "Texas",
						"WY": "Wyoming"


					>>> len(states)

					>>> "CA" in states

					>>> "ZZ" in states

Dictionary selection

					words = {
						"mรกs": "more",
						"otro": "other",
						"agua": "water"

Select a value:

					>>> words["otro"]

					>>> first_word = "agua"
					>>> words[first_word]

					>>> words["pavo"]
					KeyError: pavo

					>>> words.get("pavo", "๐Ÿค”")

Dictionary rules

  • A key cannot be a list or dictionary (or any mutable type)
  • All keys in a dictionary are distinct (there can only be one value per key)
  • The values can be any type, however!

  spiders = {
    "smeringopus": {
      "name": "Pale Daddy Long-leg",
      "length": 7
    "holocnemus pluchei": {
      "name": "Marbled cellar spider",
      "length": (5, 7)

Dictionary iteration

					insects = {"spiders": 8, "centipedes": 100, "bees": 6}
					for name in insects:

What will be the order of items?

					8 100 6

Keys are iterated over in the order they are first added.

Dictionary comprehensions

General syntax:

                    {key: value for <name> in <iter exp>}


                    {x: x*x for x in range(3,6)}

Exercise: Prune

                    def prune(d, keys):
                        """Return a copy of D which only contains key/value pairs
                        whose keys are also in KEYS.
                        >>> prune({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4}, ["a", "b", "c"])
                        {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}


Exercise: Prune (Solution)

                    def prune(d, keys):
                        """Return a copy of D which only contains key/value pairs
                        whose keys are also in KEYS.
                        >>> prune({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4}, ["a", "b", "c"])
                        {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
                        return {k: d[k] for k in keys}

Exercise: Index

                    def index(keys, values, match):
                        """Return a dictionary from keys k to a list of values v for which
                        match(k, v) is a true value.

                        >>> index([7, 9, 11], range(30, 50), lambda k, v: v % k == 0)
                        {7: [35, 42, 49], 9: [36, 45], 11: [33, 44]}


Exercise: Index (solution)

                    def index(keys, values, match):
                        """Return a dictionary from keys k to a list of values v for which
                        match(k, v) is a true value.

                        >>> index([7, 9, 11], range(30, 50), lambda k, v: v % k == 0)
                        {7: [35, 42, 49], 9: [36, 45], 11: [33, 44]}
                        return {k: [v for v in values if match(k, v)] for k in keys}

Nested data

Lists of lists [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ]
Dicts of dicts {"name": "Brazilian Breads", "location": {"lat": 37.8, "lng": -122}}
Dicts of lists {"heights": [89, 97], "ages": [6, 8]}
Lists of dicts [{"title": "Ponyo", "year": 2009}, {"title": "Totoro", "year": 1993}]