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Class outline:

  • Trees 🌴🌳🌲



Diagram of tree
Recursive description Relative description
  • A tree has a root label and a list of branches
  • Each branch is itself a tree
  • A tree with zero branches is called a leaf
  • A tree starts at the root
  • Each location in a tree is called a node
  • Each node has a label that can be any value
  • One node can be the parent/child of another
  • The top node is the root node

Trees: Data abstraction

We want this constructor and selectors:

tree(label, branches) Returns a tree with root label and list of branches
label(tree) Returns the root label of tree
branches(tree) Returns the branches of tree (each a tree).
is_leaf(tree) Returns true if tree is a leaf node.

                            t = tree(3, [
                                      tree(2, [

                            label(t)  # 3
                            is_leaf(branches(t)[0])  # True
3 1 2 1 1

Tree: Our implementation

                            t = tree(3, [
                                      tree(2, [
3 1 2 1 1

Each tree is stored as a list where first element is label and subsequent elements are branches.

                    [3, [1], [2, [1], [1]]]

					def tree(label, branches=[]):
						return [label] + list(branches)

					def label(tree):
						return tree[0]

					def branches(tree):
						return tree[1:]

					def is_leaf(tree):
						return len(branches(tree)) == 0

Trees: Dict Implementation

A dictionary for each tree/subtree:

{'l':20,'c':[{'l':12,'c':[{'l':9,'c':[{'l':7,'c': []},{'l':2,'c':[]}]},{'l':3,'c':[]}]},{'l':8,'c':[{'l':4,'c':[]},{'l':4,'c':[]}]}]}

					def tree(label, branches=[]):
					    return {"l": label, "b": branches}

					def label(tree):
					    return tree["l"]

					def branches(tree):
				        return tree["b"]

					t = tree(20, [tree(12,
					                 [tree(7), tree(2)]),
					                [tree(4), tree(4)])])

Tree processing

A tree is a recursive structure.

Each tree has:

  • A label
  • 0 or more branches, each a tree

Recursive structure implies recursive algorithm!

Tree processing: Counting leaves

Diagram of tree

					def count_leaves(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in t."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return 1
					        leaves_under = 0
					        for b in branches(t):
					            leaves_under += count_leaves(b)
					        return leaves_under

What's the base case? What's the recursive call?

Tree processing: Counting leaves

The sum() function sums up the items of an iterable.

					sum([1, 1, 1, 1])   # 4

That leads to this shorter function:

					def count_leaves(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in t."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return 1
					        branch_counts = [count_leaves(b) for b in branches(t)]
					        return sum(branch_counts)

Creating trees

A function that creates a tree from another tree is also often recursive.

Creating trees: Doubling labels

Diagram of tree

					def double(t):
					    """Returns a tree identical to t, but with all labels doubled."""
					    if is_leaf(t):
					        return tree(label(t) * 2)
					        return tree(label(t) * 2,
					            [double(b) for b in branches(t)])

What's the base case? What's the recursive call?

Creating trees: Doubling labels

A shorter solution:

					def double(t):
					    """Returns the number of leaf nodes in t."""
					    return tree(label(t) * 2,
					            [double(b) for b in branches(t)])

Explicit base cases aren't always necessary in the final code, but it's useful to think in terms of base case vs. recursive case when learning.

Exercise: Printing trees

                    def print_tree(t, indent=0):
                        """Prints the labels of t with a depth-based indent of 2 spaces.
                        >>> t = tree(3, [tree(1), tree(2, [tree(1), tree(1)])])
                        >>> print(t)

Exercise: Printing trees (solution)

                    def print_tree(t, indent=0):
                        """Prints the labels of t with a depth-based indent of 2 spaces.
                        >>> t = tree(3, [tree(1), tree(2, [tree(1), tree(1)])])
                        >>> print(t)
                        print(indent * " " + label(t))
                        for b in branches(t):
                            print_tree(b, indent + 2)

Exercise: List of leaves

                    def leaves(t):
                        """Return a list containing the leaf labels of t.
                        >>> t = tree(20, [tree(12, [tree(9, [tree(7), tree(2)]), tree(3)]), tree(8, [tree(4), tree(4)])])
                        >>> leaves(t)
                        [7, 2, 3, 4, 4]

Hint: If you sum a list of lists, you get a list containing the elements of those lists. The sum function takes a second argument, the starting value of the sum.

                    sum([ [1], [2, 3], [4] ], []) # [1, 2, 3, 4]
                    sum([ [1] ], []) # [1]
                    sum([ [[1]], [2] ], []) # [[1], 2]

Exercise: List of leaves (Solution)

                    def leaves(t):
                        """Return a list containing the leaf labels of t.
                        >>> t = tree(20, [tree(12, [tree(9, [tree(7), tree(2)]), tree(3)]), tree(8, [tree(4), tree(4)])])
                        >>> leaves(t)
                        [7, 2, 3, 4, 4]
                        if is_leaf(t):
                            return [label(t)]
                            leaf_labels = [leaves(b) for b in branches(t)]
                            return sum(leaf_labels, [])

Exercise: Counting paths

                    def count_paths(t, total):
                        """Return the number of paths from the root to any node in t
                        for which the labels along the path sum to total.

                        >>> t = tree(3, [tree(-1), tree(1, [tree(2, [tree(1)]), tree(3)]), tree(1, [tree(-1)])])
                        >>> count_paths(t, 3)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 4)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 5)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 6)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 7)

Exercise: Counting paths (solution)

                    def count_paths(t, total):
                        """Return the number of paths from the root to any node in t
                        for which the labels along the path sum to total.

                        >>> t = tree(3, [tree(-1), tree(1, [tree(2, [tree(1)]), tree(3)]), tree(1, [tree(-1)])])
                        >>> count_paths(t, 3)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 4)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 5)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 6)
                        >>> count_paths(t, 7)
                        if label(t) == total:
                            found = 1
                            found = 0
                        return found + sum([count_paths(b, total - label(t)) for b in branches(t)])

Tree: Layers of abstraction

Primitive Representation 1 2 3"a" "b" "c"
Data abstraction tree() branches() label()
User program double(t) count_leaves(t)

Each layer only uses the layer above it.

Trees, trees, everywhere!

Directory structures

Tree for a directory structure

Parse trees

For natural languages...

Parse tree for English sentence: A mouse eats a cat

Key: S = Sentence, NP = Noun phrase, D = Determiner, N = Noun, V = Verb, VP = Verb Phrase

Parse trees

For programming languages, too...

Parse tree for an arithmetic expression

Key: E = expression, T = term, F = factor