Recursive Objects

Tips for navigating the slides:
  • Press O or Escape for overview mode.
  • Press the copy icon on the upper right of code blocks to copy the code

Class outline:

  • Linked Lists
  • Link class
  • Tree class

Linked lists

Why do we need a new list?

Python lists are implemented as a "dynamic array", which isn't optimal for all use cases.

😭 Inserting an element is slow, especially near front of list:

What should we insert?

😭 Plus inserting too many elements can require re-creating the entire list in memory, if it exceeds the pre-allocated memory.

Linked lists

A linked list is a chain of objects where each object holds a value and a reference to the next link. The list ends when the final reference is empty.

What should we insert?

Linked lists require more space but provide faster insertion.

Performance Comparison

timeit.timeit(lambda: f(range(10,000)), number=10)

OperationLinked Listlistlist advantage
Insert at head 0.0249 0.1235     0.23
Insert at mid18.985  0.0630   296.  
Insert at end24.429  0.0025 10187.  
Search mid0.0251 0.0015     16.  
Index mid0.025560.0011321.  

Linked lists require more space and provide slower insertion and transversal.

A Link class

                    class Link:
                        empty = ()

                        def __init__(self, first, rest=empty):
                            self.first = first
                   = rest

How would we use that?

                    ll = Link("A", Link("B", Link("C")))

A fancier LinkedList

                    class Link:
                        """A linked list."""
                        empty = ()

                        def __init__(self, first, rest=empty):
                            assert rest is Link.empty or isinstance(rest, Link)
                            self.first = first
                   = rest

                        def __repr__(self):
                                rest_repr = ', ' + repr(
                                rest_repr = ''
                            return 'Link(' + repr(self.first) + rest_repr + ')'

                        def __str__(self):
                            string = '<'
                            while is not Link.empty:
                                string += str(self.first) + ' '
                                self =
                            return string + str(self.first) + '>'

Creating linked lists

Creating a range

Similar to [x for x in range(3, 6)]

                    def range_link(start, end):
                        """Return a Link containing consecutive integers
                        from start to end, not including end.
                        >>> range_link(3, 6)
                        Link(3, Link(4, Link(5)))
                        if start >= end:
                            return Link.empty
                        return Link(start, range_link(start + 1, end))

Exercise: Mapping a linked list

Similar to [f(x) for x in lst]

                    def map_link(f, ll):
                        """Return a Link that contains f(x) for each x in Link LL.
                        >>> square = lambda x: x * x
                        >>> map_link(square, range_link(3, 6))
                        Link(9, Link(16, Link(25)))

Exercise: Mapping a linked list (Solution)

Similar to [f(x) for x in lst]

                    def map_link(f, ll):
                        """Return a Link that contains f(x) for each x in Link LL.
                        >>> square = lambda x: x * x
                        >>> map_link(square, range_link(3, 6))
                        Link(9, Link(16, Link(25)))
                        if ll is Link.empty:
                            return Link.empty
                        return Link(f(ll.first), map_link(f,

Exercise: Filtering a linked list

Similar to [x for x in lst if f(x)]

                    def filter_link(f, ll):
                        """Return a Link that contains only the elements x of Link LL
                        for which f(x) is a true value.
                        >>> is_odd = lambda x: x % 2 == 1
                        >>> filter_link(is_odd, range_link(3, 6))
                        Link(3, Link(5))

Exercise: Filtering a linked list (Solution)

Similar to [x for x in lst if f(x)]

                    def filter_link(f, ll):
                        """Return a Link that contains only the elements x of Link LL
                        for which f(x) is a true value.
                        >>> is_odd = lambda x: x % 2 == 1
                        >>> filter_link(is_odd, range_link(3, 6))
                        Link(3, Link(5))
                        if ll is Link.empty:
                            return Link.empty
                        elif f(ll.first):
                            return Link(ll.first, filter_link(f,
                        return filter_link(f,

Mutating linked lists

Linked lists can change

Attribute assignments can change first and rest attributes of a Link.

                    s = Link("A", Link("B", Link("C")))
                    s.first = "Hi"
           = "Hola"
           = "Oi"

Beware infinite lists

The rest of a linked list can contain the linked list as a sub-list.

                    s = Link("A", Link("B", Link("C")))
                    t =
           = s

                    s.first                          # 'A'

           # 'B'

Exercise: Adding to front of linked list

                    def insert_front(linked_list, new_val):
                        """Inserts new_val in front of linked_list,
                        returning new linked list.

                        >>> ll = Link(1, Link(3, Link(5)))
                        >>> insert_front(ll, 0)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(5))))

Exercise: Adding to front of linked list (Solution)

                    def insert_front(linked_list, new_val):
                        """Inserts new_val in front of linked_list,
                        returning new linked list.

                        >>> ll = Link(1, Link(3, Link(5)))
                        >>> insert_front(ll, 0)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(5))))
                        return Link(new_val, linked_list)

Exercise: Adding to an ordered linked list


                    def add(ordered_list, new_val):
                        """Add new_val to ordered_list, returning modified ordered_list.
                        >>> s = Link(1, Link(3, Link(5)))
                        >>> add(s, 0)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(5))))
                        >>> add(s, 3)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(5))))
                        >>> add(s, 4)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(4, Link(5)))))
                        >>> add(s, 6)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(4, Link(5, Link(6))))))
                        if new_val < ordered_list.first:

                        elif new_val > ordered_list.first and is Link.empty:

                        elif new_val > ordered_list.first:

                        return ordered_list

Exercise: Adding to an ordered linked list (Solution)


                    def add(ordered_list, new_val):
                        """Add new_val to ordered_list, returning modified ordered_list.
                        >>> s = Link(1, Link(3, Link(5)))
                        >>> add(s, 0)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(5))))
                        >>> add(s, 3)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(5))))
                        >>> add(s, 4)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(4, Link(5)))))
                        >>> add(s, 6)
                        Link(0, Link(1, Link(3, Link(4, Link(5, Link(6))))))
                        if new_val < ordered_list.first:
                            original_first = ordered_list.first
                            ordered_list.first = new_val
                   = Link(original_first,
                        elif new_val > ordered_list.first and is Link.empty:
                   = Link(new_val)
                        elif new_val > ordered_list.first:
                            add(, new_val)
                        return ordered_list

Showdown: Python list vs. Link

The challenge:

  • Store all the half-a-million words in "War and Peace"
  • Insert a word at the beginning.

Version 10,000 runs 100,000 runs
Python list 2.6 seconds 37 seconds
Link 0.01 seconds 0.1

Try it yourself on your local machine (Legit Python!):

But, see our preformance comparison with other operators.


Tree concepts

Diagram of tree
  • A tree has a root label and a list of branches
  • Each branch is itself a tree
  • A tree with zero branches is called a leaf

Trees: Data abstraction

This is what we've been using:

tree(label, branches) Returns a tree with given LABEL at its root, whose branches are BRANCHES
label(tree) Returns the label of root node of TREE
branches(tree) Returns the branches of TREE (each a tree).
is_leaf(tree) Returns true if TREE is a leaf node.

Trees: Data abstraction

Using an implementation like this:

                    def tree(label, branches=[]):
                        return [label] + list(branches)

                    def label(tree):
                        return tree[0]

                    def branches(tree):
                        return tree[1:]

                    def is_leaf(tree):
                        return not branches(tree)

🤔 How could we represent trees as a Python class?

A Tree class

                    class Tree:
                        def __init__(self, label, branches=[]):
                            self.label = label
                            self.branches = list(branches)

                        def is_leaf(self):
                            return not self.branches

🤔 What's different? What's the same?

tree versus Tree

tree Tree
t = tree(label, branches=[]) t = Tree(label, branches=[])
branches(t) t.branches
label(t) t.label
is_leaf(t) t.is_leaf()

                            def fib_tree(n):
                                if n == 0 or n == 1:
                                    return tree(n)
                                    left = fib_tree(n - 2)
                                    right = fib_tree(n - 1)
                                    fib_n = label(left) + label(right)
                                    return tree(fib_n, [left, right])

                            def fib_tree(n):
                                if n == 0 or n == 1:
                                    return Tree(n)
                                    left = fib_tree(n - 2)
                                    right = fib_tree(n - 1)
                                    fib_n = left.label + right.label
                                    return Tree(fib_n, [left, right])

A fancier Tree

This is what assignments actually use:

                    class Tree:

                        def __init__(self, label, branches=[]):
                            self.label = label
                            for branch in branches:
                                assert isinstance(branch, Tree)
                            self.branches = list(branches)

                        def is_leaf(self):
                            return not self.branches

                        def __repr__(self):
                            if self.branches:
                                branch_str = ', ' + repr(self.branches)
                                branch_str = ''
                            return 'Tree({0}{1})'.format(self.label, branch_str)

                        def __str__(self):
                            return '\n'.join(self.indented())

                        def indented(self):
                            lines = []
                            for b in self.branches:
                                for line in b.indented():
                                    lines.append('  ' + line)
                            return [str(self.label)] + lines

Tree mutation

Doubling a Tree

Doubling trees diagram

                    def double(t):
                        """Doubles every label in t, mutating t.
                        >>> t = Tree(1, [Tree(3, [Tree(5)]), Tree(7)])
                        >>> double(t)
                        >>> t
                        Tree(2, [Tree(6, [Tree(10)]), Tree(14)])
                        t.label = t.label * 2
                        for b in t.branches:

Exercise: Pruning trees

Diagram of a tree with branches highlighted for pruning

Removing subtrees from a tree is called pruning.

Always prune branches before recursive processing.

                    def prune(t, n):
                        """Prune all sub-trees whose label is n.
                        >>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(1, [Tree(0), Tree(1)]), Tree(2, [Tree(1), Tree(1, [Tree(0), Tree(1)])])])
                        >>> prune(t, 1)
                        >>> t
                        Tree(3, [Tree(2)])
                        t.branches = [___ for b in t.branches if ___]
                        for b in t.branches:
                            prune(___, ___)

Exercise: Pruning trees (Solution)

Diagram of a tree with branches highlighted for pruning

Removing subtrees from a tree is called pruning.

Always prune branches before recursive processing.

                    def prune(t, n):
                        """Prune all sub-trees whose label is n.
                        >>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(1, [Tree(0), Tree(1)]), Tree(2, [Tree(1), Tree(1, [Tree(0), Tree(1)])])])
                        >>> prune(t, 1)
                        >>> t
                        Tree(3, [Tree(2)])
                        t.branches = [b for b in t.branches if b.label !=n]
                        for b in t.branches:
                            prune(b, n)

Recursive objects

Why are Tree and Link considered recursive objects?

Each type of object contains references to the same type of object.

  • An instance of Tree can contain additional instances of Tree, in the branches variable.
  • An instance of Link can contain an additional instance of Link, in the rest variable.

Both classes lend themselves to recursive algorithms. Generally:

  • For Tree: The base case is when is_leaf() is true;
    the recursive call is on the branches.
  • For Link: The base case is when the rest is empty;
    the recursive call is on the rest.