Regular expressions

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  • Press the copy icon on the upper right of code blocks to copy the code

Class outline:

  • Declarative languages
  • Regular expression syntax
  • Regular expressions in Python
  • Ambiguous regular expressions

Declarative languages

Declarative programming

In imperative languages:

  • A "program" is a description of computational processes
  • The interpreter carries out execution/evaluation rules

In declarative languages:

  • A "program" is a description of the desired result
  • The interpreter figures out how to generate the result
  • Examples:
    • Regular expressions: Good (?:morning|evening)
    • Backus-Naur Form:
      ?calc_expr: NUMBER | calc_op
      calc_op: "(" OPERATOR calc_expr* ")"
      OPERATOR: "+" | "-" | "*" | "/"
    • SQL: select max(longitude) from cities where longitude >= 115

Domain-specific languages

Many declarative languages are domain-specific: they are designed to tackle problems in a particular domain, instead of being general purpose multi-domain programming languages.

Language Domain
Regular expressions Pattern-matching strings
Backus-Naur Form Parsing strings into parse trees
SQL Querying and modifying database tables
HTML Describing the semantic structure of webpage content
CSS Styling webpages based on selectors
Prolog Describes and queries logical relations

Regular expressions

Regular Expressions

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I'll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.
Jamie Zawinski (JWZ)

Pattern matching

Pattern matching in strings is a common problem in computer programming.

An imperative approach:

                    def is_email_address(str):
                        parts = str.split('@')
                        if len(parts) != 2:
                            return False
                        domain_parts = parts[1].split('.')
                        return len(domain_parts) >= 2 and len(domain_parts[-1]) == 3

An equivalent regular expression:


With regular expressions, a programmer can just describe the pattern using a common syntax, and a regular expression engine figures out how to do the pattern matching for them.

Matching exact strings

The following are special characters in regular expressions: \ ( ) [ ] { } + * ? | $ ^ .

To match an exact string that has no special characters, just use the string:

                    Berkeley, CA 94720

But if the matched string contains special characters, they must be escaped using a backslash.


The dot

The . character matches any single character that is not a new line.


It's typically better to match a more specific range of characters, however...

Character classes

Pattern Description Example Matches:
[] Denotes a character class. Matches characters in a set (including ranges of characters like 0-9). Use [^] to match characters outside a set. [top]
. Matches any character other than the newline character. 1.
\d Matches any digit character. Equivalent to [0-9]. \D is the complement and refers to all non-digit characters. \d\d
\w Matches any word character. Equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_]. \W is the complement. \d\w
\s Matches any whitespace character: spaces, tabs, or line breaks. \S is the complement. \d\s\w


These indicate how many of a character/character class to match.

Pattern Description Example Matches:
* Matches 0 or more of the previous pattern. a*
+ Matches 1 or more of the previous pattern. lo+l
? Matches 0 or 1 of the previous pattern. lo?l
{} Used like {Min, Max}. Matches a quantity between Min and Max of the previous pattern. a{2,4}


These don't match an actual character, they indicate the position where the surrounding pattern should be found.

Pattern Description Example Matches:
^ Matches the beginning of a string. ^aw+
$ Matches the end of a string. \w+y$
\b Matches a word boundary, the beginning or end of a word. \w+e\b

Combining patterns

Patterns P₁ and P₂ can be combined in various ways.

Combination Description Example Matches:
P₁P₂ A match for P₁ followed immediately by one for P₂. ab[.,]
P₁|P₂ Matches anything that either P₁ or P₂ does. \d+|Inf
(P₁) Matches whatever P₁ does. Parentheses group, just as in arithmetic expressions. (<3)+

Regular expressions in Python

Support for regular expressions

Regular expressions are supported natively in many languages and tools.

Languages: Perl, ECMAScript, Java, Python, ..

Tools: Excel/Google Spreadsheets, SQL, BigQuery, VSCode, grep, ...

Raw strings

In normal Python strings, a backslash indicates an escape sequence, like \n for new line or \b for bell.

                    >>> print("I have\na newline in me.")
                    I have
                    a newline in me 

But backslash has a special meaning in regular expressions. To make it easy to write regular expressions in Python strings, use raw strings by prefixing the string with an r:

                    pattern = r"\b[ab]+\b"

The re module

The re module provides many helpful functions.

Function Description, string) returns a match object representing the first occurrence of pattern within string
re.fullmatch(pattern, string) returns a match object, requiring that pattern matches the entirety of string
re.match(pattern, string) returns a match object, requiring that string starts with a substring that matches pattern
re.findall(pattern, string) returns a list of strings representing all matches of pattern within string, from left to right
re.sub(pattern, repl, string) substitutes all matches of pattern within string with repl

Match objects

The functions re.match,, and re.fullmatch all take a string containing a regular expression and a string of text. They return either a Match object or, if there is no match, None.

re.fullmatch requires that the pattern matches the entirety of the string:

                    import re

                    re.fullmatch(r'-?\d+', '123')             # <re.Match object>
                    re.fullmatch(r'-?\d+', '123 peeps')       # None

Match objects are treated as true values, so you can use the result as a boolean:

                    bool(re.fullmatch(r'-?\d+', '123'))       # True
                    bool(re.fullmatch(r'-?\d+', '123 peeps')) # False

Inspecting a match returns a match object representing the first occurrence of pattern within string.

                    title = "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"
                    bool('Bird', title)) # True

Match objects also carry information about what has been matched. The .group() method allows you to retrieve it.

                    x = "This string contains 35 characters."
                    mat ='\d+', x)
                         # 35

Match groups

If there are parentheses in a patterns, each of the parenthesized groups will become groups in the match object.

                    x = "There were 12 pence in a shilling and 20 shillings in a pound."
                    mat ='(\d+)[a-z\s]+(\d+)', x)

            # '12 pence in a shilling and 20'
            # 12
            # 20
                    mat.groups()  # (12, 20)

Finding multiple matches

re.findall() returns a list of strings representing all matches of pattern within string, from left to right.

                    locations = "CA 91105, NY 13078, CA 94702"
                    re.findall(r'\d\d\d\d\d', locations)
                    # ['91105', '13078', '94702']

Resolving ambiguity

Ambiguous matches

Regular expressions can match a given string in more than one way. Especially when there are parenthesized groups, this can lead to ambiguity:

                    mat = re.match(r'wind|window', 'window')
            # 'wind'
                    mat = re.match(r'window|wind', 'window')
           # 'window'
                    mat = re.match(r'(wind|window)(.*)shade', 'window shade')
                    mat.groups() # ('wind', 'ow ')
                    mat = re.match(r'(window|wind)(.*)shade', 'window shade')
                    mat.groups() # ('window', ' ')

Python resolves these particular ambiguities in favor of the first option.

Ambiguous quantifiers

Likewise, there is ambiguity with *, +, and ?.

                    mat = re.match(r'(x*)(.*)', 'xxx')
                    mat.groups()  # ('xxx', '')

                    mat = re.match(r'(x+)(.*)', 'xxx')
                    mat.groups()  # ('xxx', '')
                    mat = re.match(r'(x?)(.*)', 'xxx')
                    mat.groups()  # ('x', 'xx')
                    mat = re.match(r'(.*)/(.+)', '12/10/2020')
                    mat.groups()  # ('12/10', '2020')

Python chooses to match greedily, matching the pattern left-to-right and, when given a choice, matching as much as possible while still allowing the rest of the pattern to match.

Lazy operators

Sometimes, you don’t want to match as much as possible.

The lazy operators *?, +?, and ?? match only as much as necessary for the whole pattern to match.

                    mat = re.match(r'(.*)(\d*)', 'I have 5 dollars')
                    mat.groups() # ('I have 5 dollars', '')
                    mat = re.match(r'(.*?)(\d+)', 'I have 5 dollars')
                    mat.groups() # ('I have ', '5')
                    mat = re.match(r'(.*?)(\d*)', 'I have 5 dollars')
                    mat.groups() # ('', '')

The ambiguities introduced by *, +, ?, and | don’t matter if all you care about is whether there is a match!

⚠️ A word of caution ⚠️

Regular expressions can be very useful. However: