Backus-Naur Form

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  • Press O or Escape for overview mode.
  • Press the copy icon on the upper right of code blocks to copy the code

Class outline:

  • Backus-Naur Form
  • BNF syntax
  • EBNF shorthands
  • AST display
  • Ambiguity

Backus-Naur Form

Describing language syntax

BNF was invented in 1960 to describe the ALGOL language and is now used to describe many programming languages.

An example BNF grammar from the Python docs:

                    dict_display: "{" [key_list | dict_comprehension] "}"
                    key_list: key_datum ("," key_datum)* [","]
                    key_datum: expression ":" expression
                    dict_comprehension: expression ":" expression comp_for

A BNF grammar can be used as a form of documentation, or even as a way to automatically create a parser for a language.

BNF vs. Regular expressions

BNF is more powerful than regular expressions. For example, regular expressions cannot accurately match a language (like Scheme) in which parentheses balance and can be arbitrarily nested.

In formal language theory, BNF can describe "context-free languages" whereas regular expressions can only describe "regular languages".

Type 3 - Regular Type 2 - Context-Free Type 1 - Context-Sensitive Type 0 - Unrestricted

Basic BNF

A BNF grammar consists of a set of grammar rules. We will specifically use the rule syntax supported by the Lark Python package.

The basic form of a grammar rule:

                    symbol₀: symbol₁ symbol₂ ... symbolₙ

Symbols represent sets of strings and come in 2 flavors:

  • Non-terminal symbols: Can expand into either non-terminal symbols (themselves) or terminals.
  • Terminal symbols: Strings (inside double quotes) or regular expressions (inside forward slashes).

To give multiple alternative rules for a non-terminal, use |:

                    symbol₀: symbol₁ | symbol₂

BNF example

A simple grammar with three rules:

                    ?start: numbers 
                    numbers: INTEGER | numbers "," INTEGER
                    INTEGER: /-?\d+/

For the Lark library,

  • Grammars need to start with a start symbol.
  • Non-terminal symbol names are written in lowercase.
  • Terminal symbols are written in UPPERCASE.

What strings are described by that grammar?


Trying out BNF grammars

You can paste a BNF grammar in, and it will be automatically recognized and processed by Lark as long as the first line starts with ?start:.

If the grammar is parsed successfully, then you can type strings from the language in the prompt.

                    lark> 10,-11

If the string can be parsed according to the grammar, a parse tree appears! 🥳 🎉 🤯


Defining terminals

Terminals are the base cases of the grammar (like the tokens from the Scheme project).

In Lark grammars, they can be written as:

  • Quoted strings which simply match themselves (e.g. "*" or "define")
  • Regular expressions surrounded by / on both sides (e.g. /\d+/)
  • Symbols written in uppercase which are defined by lexical rules (e.g. NUMBER: /\d+(\.\d+)/

It's common to want to always ignore some terminals before matching. You can do that in Lark by adding an %ignore directive at the end of the grammar.

                   %ignore /\s+/    // Ignores all whitespace

Example: Sentences

?start: sentence
sentence: noun_phrase verb
noun: NOUN
noun_phrase: article noun
article : | ARTICLE   // The first option matches ""
verb: VERB
NOUN: "horse" | "dog" | "hamster"
ARTICLE: "a" | "the"
VERB: "stands" | "walks" | "jumps"
%ignore /\s+/

What strings can this grammar parse?

                   the horse jumps
                   a dog walks
                   hamster stands


EBNF is an extension to BNF that supports some shorthand notations for specifying how many of a particular symbol to match.

EBNFMeaningBNF equiv
item* Zero or more items items: | items item
item+ One or more items items: item | items item
item? Optional item optitem: | item

All of our grammars for Lark can use EBNF shorthands.


Parentheses can be used for grouping.

                NAME: /[a-zA-Z]+/
                NUM: /\d+/
                list: ( NAME | NUM )+

Square brackets indicate an optional group.

                numbered_list: ( NAME [ ":" NUM ] )+

Exercise: Describe a comma-separated list of zero or more names (no comma at the end).

                comma_separated_list: [ NAME ("," NAME)* ]

Importing common terminals

Lark also provides pre-defined terminals for common types of data to match.

                 %import common.NUMBER
                 %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
                 %import common.DIGIT
                 %import common.HEXDIGIT

See all here

Example: Calculator

A BNF for the Calculator language:

                ?start: calc_expr
                ?calc_expr: NUMBER | calc_op
                calc_op: "(" OPERATOR calc_expr* ")"
                OPERATOR: "+" | "-" | "*" | "/"

                %ignore /\s+/
                %import common.NUMBER

Calculator tree breakdown

                ?start: calc_expr
                ?calc_expr: NUMBER | calc_op
                calc_op: "(" OPERATOR calc_expr* ")"
                OPERATOR: "+" | "-" | "*" | "/"
  • Terminals are always leaf values, never branches.
  • Lark removes unnamed literals entirely (like "(") but does show the values of named terminals (like OPERATOR) or unnamed regular expressions.
  • Lark removes any nodes whose rules start with ? and have only one child, replacing them with that child (like calc_expr).

Because the tree is simplified, we call it an abstract syntax tree.

Resolving ambiguity


Ambiguity arises when a grammar supports multiple possible parses of the same string.

Python infix expression grammar:

                    ?start: expr
                    ?expr: NUMBER | expr OPERATOR expr
                    OPERATOR: "+" | "-" | "*" | "/"

What tree should we get for 3+7*2?

exprexpr'3''+''7''*''2' expr'3''+'expr'7''*''2'

Ambiguity resolution

One way to resolve this ambiguity:

                    ?start: expr
                    ?expr: add_expr
                    ?add_expr: mul_expr | add_expr ADDOP mul_expr
                    ?mul_expr: NUMBER | mul_expr MULOP NUMBER
                    ADDOP: "+" | "-"
                    MULOP: "*" | "/"

That grammar can only produce this parse tree:



Where is BNF used?

You will likely use your BNF reading skills more than your BNF writing skills.

BNF syntax diagrams

A syntax diagram is a common way to represent BNF & other context-free grammars. Also known as railroad diagram.

calc_expr: NUMBER | calc_op Syntax diagram for calc_expr non-terminal rule
calc_op: '(' OPERATOR calc_expr* ')' Syntax diagram for calc_op non-terminal rule
OPERATOR: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'

Syntax diagram for OPERATOR terminal rule

BNF for Python Integers

Adapted from the Python docs:

                    ?start: integer
                    integer:  decinteger | bininteger | octinteger | hexinteger
                    decinteger:  nonzerodigit digit*
                    bininteger:  "0" ("b" | "B") bindigit+
                    octinteger:  "0" ("o" | "O") octdigit+
                    hexinteger:  "0" ("x" | "X") hexdigit+
                    nonzerodigit:  /[1-9]/
                    digit:  /[0-9]/
                    bindigit:  /[01]/
                    octdigit:  /[0-7]/
                    hexdigit:  digit | /[a-f]/ | /[A-F]/

What number formats can that parse?
Try in!

Syntax diagram: Python numbers

decinteger: nonzerodigit digit* Syntax diagram for decinteger non-terminal rule
hexinteger: "0" ("x" | "X") hexdigit+ Syntax diagram for hexinteger non-terminal rule
hexdigit: digit | /[a-f]/ | /[A-F]/

Syntax diagram for hexdigit non-terminal rule
digit: /[0-9]/

Syntax diagram for DIGIT non-terminal rule

BNF for Scheme expressions

Adapted from the Scheme docs:

                    ?start: expression
                    expression: constant | variable | "(if " expression expression expression? ")" | application
                    constant: BOOLEAN | NUMBER
                    variable: identifier
                    application: "(" expression expression* ")"

                    identifier: initial subsequent* | "+" | "-" | "..."
                    initial: LETTER | "!" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "*" | "/" | ":" | "<" | "=" | ">" | "?" | "~" | "_" | "^"
                    subsequent: initial | DIGIT | "." | "+" | "-"
                    LETTER: /[a-zA-z]/
                    DIGIT: /[0-9]/
                    BOOLEAN:  "#t" | "#f"

                    %import common.NUMBER
                    %ignore /\s+/

*This BNF does not include many of the special forms, for simplicity.

Syntax diagram: Scheme expressions

expression: constant | variable | "(if " expression expression expression? ")" | application Syntax diagram for expression non-terminal rule
application: "(" expression expression* ")" Syntax diagram for application non-terminal rule
identifier: initial subsequent* | "+" | "-" | "..."

Syntax diagram for identifier non-terminal rule