Imperative programming: using statements to change a program's state.
nums = [1, 2, 4]
for i in range(0, len(nums)):
nums[i] = nums[i] ** 2
Functional programming: expressions, not statements; no side-effects; use of higher-order functions.
list(map(lambda x: x ** 2, [1, 2, 4]))
(map (lambda (n) (expt n 2)) '(1 2 4))
Data-centric and object-oriented programming.
t = tree(3, [tree(1), tree(2, [tree(1), tree(1)])])
[b.label for b in branches(t)
innocent_bee = Bee(5)
horrible_ant = Ant(10)
Declarative programming: State goals or properties of the solution rather than procedures.
calc_op: "(" OPERATOR calc_expr* ")"
SELECT parent FROM parents, dogs
WHERE child = name AND fur = "curly";
After passing CS 111, you can now take the following CS courses:
Here are some other CS courses you could take:
CS 235
CS 224 or CS 236 or CS 240
(All these courses are required for the CS Major. CS Minor requires 236 and 240. See BYU catalog for more course details:
Opportunity to be a TA for CS 111
Don't forget to thank this semester's TAs 👏