Data Types in Python

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In Python, data types play a crucial role in defining the nature of data and how it can be manipulated. Python is a dynamically typed language, which means you don't need to explicitly specify the data type of a variable. The interpreter determines the data type based on the value assigned to the variable. Python comes with several built-in data types that serve various purposes and allow developers to work efficiently with different kinds of data. Let's explore some of the essential built-in data types in Python:

  1. Numeric Types:
  2. Boolean Type:
  3. Sequence Types:
  4. Set Types:
  5. Mapping Type:

Understanding data types is essential for performing various operations in Python, such as arithmetic calculations, data manipulation, and logical operations. Python automatically handles type conversions in most cases, making it a user-friendly language for developers. However, being aware of data types and their properties allows you to write efficient and reliable code.